Sitting with Grace..


If you’re here, you’re reading this.. it means you took the time to embrace this new little world of mine… so - Thank you, and Welcome.

Today was a day of all the feels, my stomach turned at the idea my website had crashed in the night and I was going to turn on my computer to nothing!! At the idea that I was never going to be able to actually launch it in time.. Neither of those things happened, but nevertheless they left me sitting here thinking.

I thought of so many things within the never ending rants of my squirrel brain, but the absolute loudest, the cheerleader in the crowd was this little girl with lopsided pigtails, a tutu, rubber boots and completely covered in mud.. Me.

You see when I was little I was always on a mission to explore, taste, touch and discover. I learned all the possible ways to fail - so that I could succeed with grace. And today - I got to smile at that little girl within me as we both shed a tear, knowing all the scraped knees, all the calluses on our hands, all the moments - had led us perfectly to here. This moment. This place of pure love and joy.. Agelessly Designed. We did it. Oh did we fail to get here.. But the moment of absolute truth… the push the “Publish Website” button..

I am humbled, I am grateful.. and I am proud. I did this..

Finding time to hide down in my office isn’t always easy, Logan, my four year old thinks that all the “precious gems” I have in here are all “powerful magic” and he needs to show me how it works.. - you’re not wrong kid.. but like, please dont drop it!! He and I have explored the world of Crystals in a whole new light.. hearing his tiny little mouth try and say the word “Druzy” with a scrunched up nose, watching his excitement match my own; can sometime make it hard to want to step away from our games of discovery and learning all of the magic we can so that I can get back to work.

But - when you love what you do, it’s never really work is it? and holy shit do I love what I do.

Getting to see peoples faces light up as I had them a custom made piece of jewelry or when I am dropping off a crystal and end up standing there sharing that love of crystals with a complete stranger for ten minutes..

Watching my Daughter Elley grow more aware and confident while she is working with me to create, design and explore this world, while equally seeing my eldest Son, Jesse grow self awareness, internal strength and pride.. this is all just a piece of what I get to be so lucky to do.. So no, it’s not really work.. its expression.. Its something I am building within my family to one day leave them to care for.. to have something Agelessly Designed.. just for them.

So much love,



Holding History within our hands..