Our Story


Hi! Im Ashley & the Creator/ Owner of

Agelessly Designed!

With three kids, two Great Danes and an all around crazy busy life sometimes I just wanted to pause.. Just for stolen moments from time to time..

So -

There was a day in the summer of 2021.. my children and I were on a cross Country road trip and we found the most magical of places - It was an Amethyst Mine!!!!!!! I cannot explain the utter joy and true belonging I felt while squealing with each crystal I overturned. Im mildly embarrassed by the amount of crystals we crammed into our overly packed vehicle and brought home.. I am further mildly embarrassed by the countless hours I spent playing with, sorting and all around just admiring these incredible finds we had made! And then an idea struck.. what if I could share this, what if I could make something with these beautiful crystals? Then I did.. and people loved them! I sold out of all the ones I had made to “just try it out”… it led me here.

I started this business because of that day and all of my life I have been creating, whether it was a home renovation project, making art, jewelry, furniture refurbishing or just building towers of stones & tree houses - its all a huge part of me.. and after years of hiding all these things that give me so much joy.. I thought maybe.. just maybe they could give you some joy too!

Sometimes I will post random pieces of history I can hold within my hands, sometimes it will be a beautiful piece of furniture, or a painting, maybe a crystal or a ring.. but I hope when your eyes fall upon it they can shine a little brighter beholding a thing of beauty.. Even just for a stolen moment.

I am a huge believer in energy.

I believe that what you give to the universe, the universe will give back to you. I also have learned that sometimes we just have lessons we need to learn something from.. So Im learning. Every. Single. Day. and I plan on spending the rest of this life doing just that! Always practice kindness when there is an opportunity!

And please always ask the questions!

So much love,
